Dàlia Adillon
Dàlia Adillon is an illustrator from Barcelona and everything she touches turns into art.
She studied Fine Arts at University of Barcelona, Illustration at Massana School and she did the Final Degree Project at ISIA Urbino, Italy. She later moved to Bristol, UK, where she met The Artworks.
For Dàlia, illustration is her innate way of communicating – her mother tongue. Hardworking, constant and curious, Dàlia defines her work as elegant and colourful, with a synthesis of playful shapes and colours that define her unique and personal style.
Dàlia has been recognized by several national and international awards, and her work has been exhibited worldwide in: Barcelona, London, Rome, Brussels, México, United Arab Emirates and China.
Her clients include: Alma Editorial, Associación de Editores de Madrid, Barcelona Centre de Disseny, Fabriano Boutique, Hachette, Illa Diagonal, Kalandraka Editorial, Laurence King Publishing, Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Quarto Kids, Santillana Editorial, The Fabian Review, Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals de Barcelona & more